
The past few months have been good and also scary with rates of inflation. I have been to some lovely sound events. I'm really enjoying the light getting darker.I'm working on material at the moment that will come out after Christmas. I have been pushing out the music as well as drawing in the focus.I wanted to release 2 tracks this week for the start of November, TK Love and Sub Feat (Cellophane) Resonance. Like most artists, I also write multiple versions of the same track. These versions are slightly different to the originals (In a still place 2020) (Cellophane Resonance- Natures Numbers 2018) They are slightly softer and have longer durations of listening. I can't believe it is 4 years since I wrote Natures Numbers and toured in with Synth Remix in 2018. I'm really happy to be letting these tracks out this week. The music is available from Bandcamp now and will be available on online formats on Soft Apple. Thank you Jo


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